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lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014


“Mum,mum! Watch the television! It´s Mandela! The man of the book which you are reading!”
“Mum!, What are you buying? Oh! it must be something related to Mandela”…(even he was my alibi when I was getting their own presents for the Three Wise Kings )
“What kind of book could I buy for my father?”. I asked in my own. “ No doubt ,The autobiography about Mandela”.
To be honest, I got hooked on this book. So, it was considered insufficient for the curiosity which was arisen on my mind and I decided to buy another book to try to answer different questions which were open on me. It was “The Autobiography”, but… in Spanish… I couldn´t buy it in a brief period of time and I was impatient ( breaking one of his lessons).As it´s very long I couldn´t finish it because no sooner the holiday finished, do not the pace of the daily life allow me to continue the reading.

Once again, I can boast to belong to this interesting and passionate course. MANDELA´S WAY. To begin with, it´s very difficult to choose only three chapters among all these magisterial lessons.However, trying to answer the proposed activity, I have decided to highlight the next ones; “It´s a long game”, “Lead from the front” and “Have a core principle- Everything else is tactics”.
If I start with the first one, “It´s a long game”, in my view, it has one important philosophy and characteristic which involves the person of Mandela. In this chapter Mandela tries to show us that most of the times haste leads to error and misjudgment. Above all, he learned how to postpone gratification. In addition, having to do with the chapter “be measured”, he will avoid being impatient and, besides, he encourages us to take the necessary time to think before making whatever decision.

From my point of view, this lesson is important and practical in lots of moments in my life, specially when I am facing an important decision . Mandela recommends us that it is more important the way in which our decision is made
than how fast it is made ; in addition, in the long run, working hard and being disciplined will yield better results.
All in all, internalizing this principle, I reckon, my personal life will grow greatly if it´s taken into account seriously. Secondly, “Lead from the  front”; In this chapter Mandela tries to teach us that sometimes it´s necessary to take our own decisions into account after having thought about them throughly; Mandela reckoned that a leader sometimes can´t wait for a consensus and has to risk taking the initiative on his own. I absolutely agree with Mandela with this lesson.Obviously, I am not a leader but,during my long way, I have noticed that sometimes someone’s advice is as valid as his decision, possibly because the cause isn´t known as deeply as you do.
Thirdly, “Have a core principle -Everything else is tactic”; from my point of view , it´s one of the most important aspects in Mandela´s life. Possibly, it was the reason that enforced his personality day to day during his state in prison. “Equal rights for all, regardless of race, class o gender. Pretty much everything is TACTIC”. Although he was open to change, adapt o refine his strategy, the important thing was to overthrow the apartheid and the achievement of a non racial democracy with one person-one vote.
In this point, the author distinguishes between principles and tactic. Mandela was an idealistic-pragmatist, that is to say high-minded. Obviously it isn´t a genetic characteristic. It´s a result of time. He recalled how an important moment of his life, being a student, he did not weigh the important advantages that he would lose due to his decision. In this case, the principle was trifling and the sacrifice was significant.
On the other hand, he also remembers one of the most significant examples of trumping strategy; just when Mandela thought of using violent methods to fight against apartheid. Thus, conditions furthermore the strategy, could do to lose the non violence principle in a specific moment. Therefore, from this last chosen lesson we can get a practice reading. To think it´s a long game, important decisions will have to be taken on our own and core principles will always help us to manage our tactic that will be adapted to each situation. In addition, to be flexible in our way of acting, although it looks as if we are acting against our principles, we have to try to think in the long run, in the last reference we can find them.
With reference to the anecdotes which have deeply impressed me, I have to recognize that it´s the global situation that affected him while living in prison , his optimistic attitude (in spite of the long time that he was deprived of freedom) which really catches my attention. Even in this depressing situation the fighter spirit did not disappear. He continued studying the possibility to obtain his goal. So, for instance, he decided to study Afrikaans in order to know his opponents and to go straight to their hearts. Once again, his tactic, the long view and his patience, led him to success. No doubt, extraordinary man!

What aspects of Mandela ´s life helped to shape this man? To begin with, his tribal childhood and background had an important role, mainly because he lived in special conditions, far away from the separatist and discriminating white world. He lived in absolute freedom, experiencing all the traditions and values which belong to his tribe. As a result, he developed a selfconfident personality and a critical spirit against the traditions which were considered fearless by him. Secondly, his school education; In this aspect not only could Mandela improve his Knowledge, but he also began to know more directly about the whites and the reality in the most important areas. Thirdly, his work as a layer, living in shock the reality in Johannesburgo, two separated worlds as well as being in contact with special personalities who would enforce his angry and rebel feelings, will model Mandela´s personality .In addition, his experience as an attorney obviously allowed him to live close to the fearless, know how the rules were done and managed in favour of whites. And finally, living his political activism, all kind of situations in and out of prison which would hep him to have clear important principles shown in the book. On the other hand, 28 years in prison would have destroyed many men, but they seemed to strengthen Mandela. How is it possible? As far as I´m concerned, I reckon that not only can Mandela be considered an ordinary man as am I , for instance ( who would be totally depressed after this lack of freedom, mainly because my family), but also he is a genetic politician. His fight doesn´t rest, nor does his mind. He would continue his work and, as a result, his formation in prison would model the mature man who finally was released in his seventies. I absolutely agree that Mandela had to sacrifice his personal life for the sake of his public work, but in my experience, it is the natural spirit of the authentic public man.He worried about his own children, but he considered the fact that there were more children who need him. Furthermore, there is a statement in the book that expresses how he believed that he had sacrificed his marriage and his family due to the struggle against oppression and prejudice. However, he would never expose his true feelings, mainly because he considered he could be authentic also without revealing his emotions.

Finally, to underline the enormous values that are transmitted in the book, I would like to say that, certainly, most of them were appreciated in my way of living, but when you are advised or  guided by a personality like Mandela, the  consistency of them grow significantly.


Coprodeli is a NGO which was founded 25 years ago by a the Priest called Miguel Ranera, having central offices in Spain, EEUU and Perú, working specially in neighbourhoods and marginal areas from Peru ( Callao, Pachacutec, Ventanilla, Lima, Ica y Bellavista). Mainly, this organization pay attention to three programmes related to children, youth, women and senior citizens in the areas which previously have been referenced.
Which are the programmes? 
 Educational Programme (Schools): 

            Nowadays, 5800 pupils are taken care in the colleges from Callao, Pachacutec, Ica and The Forest. Health Programme and Humanitary Help: In these programmes, not only are hospitals offered (actually 4), but also an itinerant team (paediatrician, dental surgeon, gynecologist, nurse and pharmaceutical) works in the poorest areas. Obviously this kind of attention is free. Furthermore, in Callao, there is a Mental Center where 20 people suffering from mental diseases and without resources are being looked after. With reference to the humanitarian help, about 122.000 people are helped with clothes, toys and food. In addition there are 17 school dinning rooms which annually give more than 75.000 portions. On the other hand there is a special attention to the children who have familiar troubles having to do with poverty, drugs …. So, they are offered to be half-day in the school and the other one in centres in where not only the lunch, but also the mid-evening snack are given to them.


HRCH (Children who suffer hight risk of social exclusion)  :
Currently, 726 children are enjoying this possibility. They belong to neighbourhood significantly poor.  They are the children who are in the most need, the children come from very rough home lives, and often suffer domestic, sexual, or psychological  abuse; unstable living situations; and harsh poor economic conditions that  often force them to work or make them unable to eat.